
Behind The Design

My Behind The Design Series aims to shed light on the instructional design journey, including deeper explorations of various projects I've had the privilege to work on in the past.

This series is more than just a showcase of finished products; it's an invitation to understand the meticulous, deliberate process of Instructional Design.

Each episode in the series delves into the unique challenges and solutions encountered in the development of educational materials and programs (through the lens of instructional design). From the initial needs analysis, through the meticulous selection of instructional strategies, to the deployment of technological tools that enhance engagement and retention, this series considers it all. It’s a celebration of the thoughtfulness and creativity that instructional designers put into crafting effective learning experiences.

What sets instructional design apart is the intentionality behind each decision.

Why choose a simulation over a case study? How does one determine the right balance between synchronous and asynchronous learning methods? These are the kinds of questions this series seeks to explore and answer, providing insights into the complex problem-solving and innovative thinking that defines the field of Instructional Design.

Moreover, the series serves as a platform for reflection and learning for myself as a practitioner. By revisiting and dissecting past projects, I uncover lessons learned and identify areas for growth. It's a continuous journey of improvement.

In essence, the Behind The Design Series is an ode to the art and science of Instructional Design.

It celebrates the creativity, diligence, passion, and ongoing learning that goes into making learning effective, engaging, and impactful. Whether you're a fellow instructional designer, an educator looking to enhance your teaching methods, or simply someone with a curiosity about how great learning experiences are crafted, this series digs into the valuable insights and inspiration behind the design.